PageSuite Collaborate with Grupo Nacion
13 February 2017
We are delighted to announce that Grupo Nacion and PageSuite will be collaborating on developing a series of new apps and e-editions for 5 newspaper and magazine titles in Costa Rica.
We will be working with Grupo Nacion to develop 5 e-editions and PDF-driven mobile and tablet apps which will be available across iOS and Android.
Both the e-editions and apps will feature PageSuite’s article pop-out functionality which enables readers to select an article of interest and read it in an optimised ‘pop up’ view. This feature provides readers with an alternative reading view and ensures that content can be read clearly across desktop, tablet and mobile devices.
We are delighted to be working with Grupo Nacion on this upcoming project to enhance their digital presence. Always at the forefront of technology, Grupo Nacion is a leading press company in Costa Rica focused on producing information in different print media, internet and radio. La Nacion is the main Costa Rican daily newspaper. We will also be producing e-editions and apps for La Teja, El Financiero, Perfil and Sabores.
“We are very excited to be working with Page Suite, we feel their expertise and technology in e-editions will really help us achieve a better experience for our readers and hopefully help us gain more digital subscriptions.” said Pedro Abreu, General Manager of Grupo Nación.
PageSuite’s SVP of Business Development, Ben Edwards, said “We are delighted to be working with Grupo Nacion on this upcoming project. We already have clients based in North & South America and in the Caribbean and now we have our first client in Central America”.