DFP Advert Options Explained

When you select DFP adverts, you will be given the following options. You must fill out all of them before you can save the settings.


  1. DFP Ad Code – This is the DFP Network Code that is associated with the advert you wish to use on desktop and tablet devices.
  2. DFP Ad Unit – This is the DFP Ad Unit that represents the advert you wish to use on desktop and tablet devices.
  3. DFP Mobile Ad Code – This is the DFP Network Code that is associated with the advert you wish to use on phone devices. N.B. Even if this is the same as the desktop/tablet one, this setting is required, simply enter the same code here too.
  4. DFP Mobile Ad Unit – This is the DFP Ad Unit that represents the advert you wish to use on phone devices. N.B. Even if this is the same as the desktop/tablet one, this setting is required, simply enter the same code here too.